US GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) is seen
as the "Rolls Royce" of accounting standards. In Germany,
US GAAP is especially relevant for subsidiaries of American
conglomerates and small listed companies.
It is just this differentiation within its system of rules that
places special responsibility on the companies using
US GAAP for their accounting.
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act has again created entirely
new requirements for accounting according to US GAAP.
We support you with up-to-date knowledge and years of experience
in proper and successful application of US GAAP in your enterprise.
Our services for US GAAP
Valuation, depiction and recognition of transactions according to US GAAP and
German Commercial Code (HGB)
Reconciliation of HGB to US GAAP
Valuation and cross-check of assets and liabilities according to US GAAP criteria
Preparation of certifiable US GAAP annual financial statements
Assumption of and support for reporting activities
Continuous adjustment of the financial accounting to conform with new US GAAP standards
Maintenance, adaptation and documentation of internal corporate rules and regulations
Staff training and coaching
US GAAP Helpdesk
Our advice for US GAAP
We advise and support you:
With the organization and optimization of processes in controlling, finance,
accounting and adjoining departments
With the introduction and buildup of multiple consolidation systems and
accounting for simultaneous depiction according to HGB and US GAAP
With the development of aids and automatization of processes in multiple
consolidations systems
With the introduction of fast closes in group accounting and at your
With the establishment of a reporting system for individual and
consolidated financial statements compliant with US GAAP
Our know-how guaranties you that your balance sheet complies with the most current
version of the American standards. Talk to us – we will be happy to advise you.